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The .vscode Folder

Jeff Gonzalez

The .vscode folder in the root of the project presupposes you will be using Visual Studio Code for your development.

This is a special folder that VSCode recognizes when you open a folder.

Right now we are using it for workspace settings, recommending extensions, and providing some code snippets to speed development.

The big challenge with this, for me, is to make the things I put in here more objective than subjective. For example, the settings.json file will have the settings for the workspace. This means when you have the workspace open, these settings will overwrite and take precedence over the user settings.

Extensions are another matter all together, since when the user opens the repo, any extensions that are listed in the extensions.json file that the user doesn't currently have installed will cause Code to notify the user to install the recommended extensions. Unfortunately these don't go away when the user opens another project.


  • Angular Language Service
    • Used by Angular to provide support in templates, etc. Gets better all the time.
    • If it stops working run the Angular: Restart Angular Language Service in Code.
  • nrwl.angular-console: The NX Console
    • The console for NX. There will be a whole article about this.
  • esbenp.prettier-vscode: Prettier,
  • firsttris.vscode-jest-runner: Jest Test Runner
    • Recommended by NX. Leaving it here for now, but frankly I don't use it much, except when debugging a test. Which I don't do very often. 😁
  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint: ESlint
    • Another article coming on ESLint.
  • bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss: Tailwind
    • An extension that provides code completion, etc. for Tailwind CSS classes.
  • rhalaly.scope-to-this: Scope to This
    • A little hacky, but I like it. Especially in NX repos. I often spend days in just one library. With this extension you can right-click on a folder and select "Scope to this" and it is as if you only had that folder open in VSCode.
    • The thing you have to be careful of is it is not a native feature of Code (unlike Visual Studio).
      • It puts nonsense in your ~/.vscode/settings.json file. That should not be committed.
      • If you get stuck, screw up, etc. you can't even see the ~/.vscode/settings.json to remove the stuff.
      • Use with care
  • Gruntfuggly.todo-tre: Show's a nice todo and fixme list
    • Another one that might not be universally useful. I leave myself //todo notes all over the place when working on an issue, feature, etc. I don't like to check those in (if they exist off localhost, they should be issues, IMO). This lets me see them, navigate to them, etc. I do that before I do a commit, or for sure as push/PR.

Workspace Settings

"files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
"editor.formatOnPaste": true,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.linkedEditing": true,
"[html]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[typescript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[jsonc]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"[javascript]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
"files.associations": {
"*.css": "tailwindcss"

A fairly minimal set.

  • files.autoSave
    • I like this set to onFocusChange instead of a timer or delay, or manual. Since the compiler watches for changed files, this means you can switch over to another window (your localhost:4200, or your Cypress tests, whatever), and the changes will be applied.
  • editor.formatOn...
    • We are using Prettier for code formatting. These seem reasonable to me.
  • [xxxx]:editor.defaultFormatter
    • Setting Prettier to be the default formatter for our application source code.
  • files.associations
    • Since we are using TailwindCSS, and have the Tailwind extension installed, this means that when we open a CSS file, it will assume it is Tailwind and not "raw" CSS, so things like @apply, etc. won't show up as errors in your CSS. This setting is in support of the extension.

Code Snippets

These are code snippets for various things I end up doing a lot.

NGRX Root Reducerngrx-root-reducerCreate the root reducer
NGRX Entity Reducerngrx-entity-reducerCreate an entity reducer
NGRX Feature Reducerngrx-feature-reducerCreate a feature reducer
NGRX Action Filengrx-action-fileCreate a file with three actionGroups
NGRX Effects Classngrx-effects-classCreate an Effects Class
NGRX Effectngrx-effectCreate an Effect (in an Effects Class)
Jasmine DescribedescA test (Jasmine, Jest, Cypress) describe
Jasmine ItitA test (Jasmine, Jest, Cypress)