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Advanced Selectors

Lee Cooper

Mastering CSS Selectors


Throwing concepts in here, will add a Stackblitz Dojo later for folks to practice this stuff

Direct children only

div > span {
background-color: red;

Sibling selector, selects all p siblings after div in the document order - but not p siblings before the div

This is because CSS reads your file from top to bottom

div ~ p {
background-color: blue;

/ only select first sibling after div element that is a p, for each div element /

div + p {
background-color: pink;

Select each element that does not have the class of .green.

These can be chained together.

p:not(.green) {
background-color: yellow;

Attribute selector

input[type='text'] {
background-color: purple;

Any element that has a type attribute

input[type] {
margin: 30px;

match by data attribute and value

  • "*" means match any part of the value
  • ^ means match if it starts with the value
  • $ means match if it ends with the value
input[data-margin*='sd'] {
margin: 30px;

input[data-margin^='sd'] {
margin: 30px;

input[data-margin$='df'] {
margin: 30px;

Example of how to create a tip (thanks Jeff!)